Thursday, April 9, 2009

Children of Eden

CHAPEL HILL, NC – The University of North Carolina Pauper Players is proud to announce the spring production for 2009: Stephen Schwartz's Children of Eden. Show dates are Friday, April 24, through Monday, April 27 in the UNC Student Union Cabaret. Tickets are $7.00 for students and $12.00 for general admission.

With a book by John Caird and music by Stephen Schwartz ["Godspell" & "Wicked"], Children of Eden is loosely based on the Book of Genesis and tells the story from the Creation until right after the Flood. The show exams the age-old conflict between parents and children. Act I tells the story of Adam and Eve, Cain, and Abel, and Act II deals with Noah and the Flood. While using the Bible as a plot source, it freely deviates in many details, and is a story of parents and children without a specifically religious point-of-view. For ticket information, visit Pauper Players’ website at

For media concerns and complimentary press tickets, please contact Elissa Rumer at

UNC Pauper Players is UNC's premier musical theatre company. Founded in 1989, Pauper Players strives to bring professional-quality musical theatre to the UNC and surrounding communities at affordable prices. For more information about Children of Eden or Pauper Players in general, visit,, or email

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

eBoard aps and the 20th

The University of North Carolina Pauper Players, UNC’s premier musical theater company, is pleased accept applications for our Executive Board. We are seeking highly motivated, outgoing people for business, creative, and publicity positions. The eBoard application is located at; please complete this application and return it to by 8:00 pm on Wednesday, April 15, 2009. Note: ALL persons interested in Pauper’s eBoard must apply regardless of current position or relationship to the company.

UNC Pauper Players is also pleased to announce our platinum anniversary—our 20th season. We are accepting proposals for our fall production. Any director, production staff member, or audience participant is encouraged to submit a proposal. The show proposal form is located at; please complete all applicable fields and return it to by 8:00 pm on Wednesday, April 15, 2009.

If there are any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to contact the new administrators Charlie Clark, Elissa Rumer, and Aaron Salley directly, or indirectly at