Pauper Stories

Here you'll find blurbs about why Paupers became Paupers! See their stories below:

"Why should I join Pauper Players? I asked myself this same question my first year. I first joined Pauper in the fall of 2009 with "Wild Party." Immediately, I was presented with a wonderful cast and production staff, but more than just excellent musical theatre, I had a instant group of friends. The upperclassmen were so welcoming and helpful and the "new kids" all bonded since this was our first show at UNC. I have not left Pauper since then. I am always in awe of how this group can continually grow, improve, and surprise me with the amazing talent that finds it. Come be a part of it!!"

--Michael McWaters, Executive Director of Business, Class of 2012

"I auditioned for the Fall 2009 production of Andrew Lippa's "Wild Party" and was cast in the ensemble. I almost immediately felt like I had found my family. I met lots of cool people within that cast, and my best friends are the ones that I made during that show. That's why Pauper is so cool-- the people. Paupers are not elitist, they are open minded, and generally fun. You don't have to be outgoing or the wittiest person in the room to be loved by us! We want to get to know the real you!"

--Emily Ellis, Executive Director of Publicity, Class of 2013