Friday, June 17, 2011

Fall Show Announced!


The University of North Carolina Pauper Players is proud to announce the selection of our fall production, "Guys and Dolls," directed by Hayley Wright, UNC Class of 2013. This Broadway classic is sure to please all generations, with such memorable numbers as "Luck Be a Lady," "Sit Down You're Rockin' the Boat" and "A Bushel and a Peck." Pauper Players will hold open auditions for "Guys and Dolls" early in the semester, begin rehearsals in September, and go into production in November. We encourage you to be involved in any capacity! Thank you to all who submitted a proposal! Check the blog or website later on for up-to-the-minute details on production staffs, dates and audition times. Please contact Executive Directors--Michael McWaters, Emily Ellis, or Ben Boecker--at for further comments or questions

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Summertime Letter from Emily, Exec Direc of Publicity

Hello lovely First Years!

So do you love musical theater? Do you love technical theater? Are you looking for a great group of people to hang out with? Do you want friends who aren't smelly (most of the time)?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions then you should definitely check out Pauper Players.

Here's the official dish (or the offish dish as I like to call it [we tend to abbreviate a lot in Pauper]) from the info part of our Web site:

"Founded in 1989, The objective of Pauper Players is to maintain an environment of camaraderie, learning, and collaboration through the design and rehearsal process of musical theater production. Entirely student-run, Pauper is open to anyone with a dedicated spirit and a passion for the arts, and it has been a source of entertainment, education, and friendship for over twenty years.

Pauper Players is headed by three (student) Executive Directors--for Business, Publicity, and Production--who work with an Executive Board to structure the organization while selecting and overseeing production. The Executive Board is made up of a secretary, a treasurer, designers, photographers, social and orchestral coordinators, a publicity team, property liaisons, and a front-of-house manager. The Executive Board meets weekly to discuss current projects and policies; and, three times a year, they release and review proposals for the respective fall, spring, and winter musical productions.

Any interested candidates may submit a proposal to direct or simply suggest a show for Pauper Players to perform. The Executive Board is responsible for selecting the show and approving the Director to select his or her Production Staff for the rehearsal process. The Director, Music Director, and the Production Staff select the cast and orchestra, and they set the rehearsal schedule for the weeks leading up to production. Pauper Players is normally scheduled to rehearse Sunday through Thursday from six to ten pm, but individual schedules will vary depending on one's role. All are encouraged to get involved at any level, either with any of the three musical productions a year, or with the Broadway revue performed in the winter. "Broadway Melodies" is comprised of three or four shows, written and directed by students in the style of a comedic musical revue.

Pauper Players has performed in a variety of venues on and off campus--including Historic Playmakers Theater, the Martha Nell Hardy Performance Space, the FPG Union Cabaret, and Carborro Arts Center.

Pauper is always seeking to add new members and to expand options for performance and publicity."

Now that you've read that lovely little excerpt let me tell you a little about how much fun it is to be a Pauper.

My name is Emily, and I'm the Executive Director of Publicity. I joined Pauper the first semester of my first year at UNC. I was a little anxious because I barely knew anyone when I got to campus, and went through the normal transitions of being lonely etc. But that changed pretty quickly.

I auditioned for the Fall 2009 production of Andrew Lippa's "Wild Party" and was cast in the ensemble. I almost immediately felt like I had found my family. I met lots of cool people within that cast, and my best friends are the ones that I made during that show.

That's why Pauper is so cool-- the people. Paupers are not elitist, they are open minded, and generally fun. You don't have to be outgoing or the wittiest person in the room to be loved by us! We want to get to know the real you!

So that, lovely First Years, is why I think you should check us out-- feel free to email me just to say hey or ask any questions at!

We will have a table at FallFest and hopefully *fingers crossed* will be performing!

Look for more stories and clips from other Paupers in the coming weeks!

Have a great summer!

Much love,

Emily Ellis
Executive Director of Publicity, 2011-2012

OH, also check out our YouTube channel for a video of our year in review!

AND friend us on Facebook!