Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Pauper's graphic designer, Lauren Josey, with the help of the Publicity Team, is happy to announce the big reveal of Pauper Players' brand new WEBSITE (CLICK HERE)!! The site highlights the abilities of our past and present photographers, our musical productions and revues over time, our illustrious Executive Board, our current show and contact information, and all the ways to get involved. It is our hope that this site will be able to provide some excellent information, insight, and venues for support and publicity. Let us know what you think!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

SPOTLIGHT! Featuring: "Sweet Charity" Director/Choreographer Michael McWaters

Last week PAUPER PLAYERS sat down with Michael McWaters, the sophomore Political Science and Spanish double-major from Wilmington, North Carolina. Michael proposed "Sweet Charity" as the fall production to open our 21st Season, and he is currently both directing and choreographing the show. Though it's only his second year, Michael has already established a rich history with Pauper. Last year he debuted as "Jackie" in the 2009 fall production, Andrew Lippa's "Wild Party." He also choreographed the winter show "I Love You Because," and was brought on as assistant director for spring's "Into the Woods." Michael has already shown himself to be a leader with a powerful vision and incredible talent. His training is hugely based in dance, and he is also involved in Blank Canvas on UNC's campus as a dancer/choreographer. He is known backstage as "Silent Killer" for his ability to slice through dance moves like its nobody's business, knocking any competitor into the nosebleed seats with his magnificent form and impeccable timing. :-) Here's what he had to say about the progress of "Sweet Charity" as rehearsals just started picking up speed....

"Sweet Charity" is off to an AMAZING start! The cast is so much more incredible and talented than I could have imagined. We have already tackled 3 musical numbers and a few scenes! "Big Spender" looks amazing!! And only after 2 days of work! Obviously, we have tons left to do, but at this rate we will have lots and lots of time to perfect every little detail. From a technical aspect, lights/sound/and sets are moving along quite fast as well... All in all this will be a show NOT to be missed! Also, most of the cast is composed of first-year students, which is awesome and I have been thoroughly impressed by their talent and professionalism. Of course, the veterans in the cast are STELLAR as well! More updates to come!

Check in next time on our SPOTLIGHT featuring some Pauper newbies who will rock your eardrums and melt your heart!

Something new and exciting from PAUPER!

Every so often, PAUPER PLAYERS will feature comments and interviews from current members who are active in production or administration. This SPOTLIGHT will exist in an effort to make the rehearsal process more visible to the Pauper fans! :) Let us know who you would like to hear from and what you think of Pauper Players! If you're not already, follow us on FACEBOOK! And be on the lookout for the new website being launched later this week, thanks to the phenomenal efforts of graphic designer Lauren Josey!

And, as always, keep eyes peeled for lovely Paupers around campus, at work and play!! :-) !

Friday, September 3, 2010

Sweet Charity CAST LIST!

The cast list is up!!! Check it out! And don't miss Pauper Players' fall musical production of Sweet Charity THIS November! We'll keep you posted with the details :-) !

Charity – Margaret Burrus

Oscar – Ben Boecker

Nickie – Olivia Myrick

Helene – Taylore Woods

Vittorio Vidal – Quinn Matney

Ursula – Jessica Cruz

Herman – Cameron Nadler

Daddy Brubeck – Nick Culp

Fandango Girls:

- Cydney Swofford

- Emily Ellis

- Julia Adelman

- Kayla Lively

- Emily Bohbrink

- Caroline Bowden

- Rosalee Lewis

- Stephanie Linas


- Alexii Lardis

- Ashley Fagert

- Elise Hartley

- Hayley Wright

- Nick Culp

- Elizabeth Adams

- Hunter Gray

- Turner Popalis

- Nick Sanford

- Travis Wright

Frug Dancers:

- Meleah Faucette (Frug Girl)

- Hunter Gray

- Turner Popalis

- Nick Sanford

- Travis Wright

- Julia Adelman

- Emily Ellis

- Cydney Swofford

- Emily Bohbrink

- Caroline Bowden

- Rosalee Lewis

- Hayley Wright

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sweet Charity Callback List!

Hello Auditioners!

Thank you all so much for auditioning for the UNC-CH Pauper Players fall production of Sweet Charity. We were absolutely blown away by the amount of talent we saw over the past two days, and were thrilled to see so many new faces!

All callbacks will take place today (THURSDAY) in the Student Union Room 2518 (where the auditions were held). Please be sure to arrive for your callback at least 10 minutes prior to your call time.

Below is a list of callbacks divided up by character. Please read over this list carefully as some people have been called back for multiple parts.

  • Ben Boecker
  • Quinn Matney
  • Nick Sanford
  • Seth Barkley
  • Cameron Nadler
  • Alex Thompson
  • Ben Boecker
  • Brainard Burrus
  • Quinn Matney
  • Margaret Burrus
  • Kayla Lively
  • Olivia Myrick
  • Nicola Vann
  • Jessica Cruz
  • Emily Ellis
  • Olivia Myrick
  • Nicola Vann
  • Taylore Woods
  • Julia Adelman
  • Jessica Cruz
  • Rosalee Lewis
  • Stephanie Linas
  • Cydney Swofford
The schedule for callbacks is as follows:
  • 6:00-6:20 Vittorio Song
  • 6:20-6:50 Vittorio and Ursula Scene
  • 6:50-7:15 Herman Song
  • 7:15-7:45 Charity Song
  • 7:45-8:30 Nickie and Helene Song
  • 8:30-9:15 Nickie, Helene, and Charity Scene
  • 9:15-9:30 Oscar Song
  • 9:30-10:00 Oscar and Charity Scene
Attached are your sides and songs for tomorrow. Please print your sides and songs out and bring them with you to your callbacks tomorrow. I will only have one spare copy of each side/song.

REMEMBER, not getting a callback does not equate to not being cast in the show. We did not callback some parts, nor did we callback the ensemble or frug dancers.

Again, thank you all so much for auditioning for Pauper Players Fall production of Sweet Charity. Please do not hesitate to contact producer Matt Jacques (mjacques@email.unc.edu) with any questions regarding callbacks, casting, etc.

Be on the lookout for a cast list via e-mail late tonight.