Thank you so much for the past two days! Our production staff had so much fun watching all your wonderful auditions. Please know that if we could have cast everyone, we would have! Here are the following cast lists for the 3 sets:
"Kardashians: The Musical":
Klhoe K: Erin Farley
Kourtney K: Catherine White
Kim K: Mary Stewart Evans
Rob K: Nathaniel Linger
Kris Jenner: Rosalee Lewis
Bruce Jenner: Ben Boecker
Kendall Jenner: Maria Palombo
Kylie Jenner: Hayley Smyser
Scott Disick: Colin Proctor
Lamar Odom: Adam Jefferson
Reggie Bush: George Barrett
Ryan Seacrest: Richie Walter
Kris Humphries: Chuck Porter
Producer: Zachary Acuff
Stefon: Turner Popalis
Choreographer: Alex Herzing
Lawyer: Emily Schumm
Britney Spears: Ashley Stott
Mariah Carey: Sofia Armstrong
Snooki: Jess Errera
Mason: Max Bitar
Mason: Max Bitar
"Avatartanic: The Musical":
Jack: George Barrett
Rose: Taylor Draper
Jake: Nate Swofford
Neytiri: Emily Ruffin
Eytukan: Jo Saberniak
Tree of Souls: Cameron Nadler
James Cameron: Brandon Lanning
Celine Dion: Cydney Swofford
Colonel Quartich: Edmund Poliks
Navi Ensemble:
Ashley Stott, Rosalee Lewis, Krista Harrell, Jackie O'Shaughnessy, Chuck Porter, Brainard Burrus
Soliders: Ben Muller, Josh Peterson, Nick Culp, Kristi Stout, Cierra Hinton
"Pokemon: The Musical":
Ash: Alex Daly
Professor Oak: Edmund Poliks
Gary: Brandon Lanning
Gary: Brandon Lanning
Officer Jenny: Erin Farley
Nurse Joy: Allison Bonner
Brock: Nathaniel Linger
Meowth: Kevin Shaffer
James: Jo Saberniak
Jessie: Cydney Swofford
Misty: Devon Haas
Pikachu: Emily Bohbrink
Ke$ha/Magikarp: Jackie O'Shaughnessy
Adele: Sofia Armstrong
Katy Perry: Krista Harrell
Metapod/Lady Gaga: Tori Male
Mew: Turner Popalis
Mewtwo: Chuck Porter
Link: Doug Pass
Wartortle: Max Bitar
Nicki Minaj: Cierra Hinton
Thank you all so much! Please email to confirm or deny your role and all your conflicts (even if you put them on your audition sheet).
Please print the scripts and sheet music attached for your sets BEFORE rehearsal tomorrow. Also, your rehearsal schedule is attached.
Broadway Melodies 2012 will be Jan 27-31st in Hanes Art Center. The first ALL-CALL rehearsal will be Wednesday, Jan 11th in Union 2518 with the following schedule:
6-7:20pm Avatartanic
7:20-8:40pm Pokemon
8:40-10pm Kardashians
Please call Michael (910-264-4079) or Emily (919-741-8799) if you have any issues before tomorrow's rehearsal.
Also, keep in mind auditions for Pauper Players' Spring Production Grease. Show dates: April 13-17th at the Arts Center in Carrboro. Auditions: Feb 1st, 2nd, with callbacks on the 3rd. Email with any further questions.
Thank you all so much! Broadway Melodies will be fantastic as always!

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