The University of North Carolina Pauper Players is announcing auditions for our winter revue, Broadway Melodies 2011. Auditions will be held immediately after winter break, on Monday January 10th and Tuesday January 11th in the Student Union, Room 2518, from 6-10PM. Please sign up for an audition slot in the Union Hub, and prepare a one-minute song selection to sing a capella. Sets include the following:
"A Very Tarantino Musical" written and directed by Alex Koceja
"Glee!: The Musical" written and directed by Nick Culp, and music-directed by Ben Boecker
"Mean Girls: The Musical" written and directed by Wendy Hua, and assisted by Olivia Myrick
Break legs!
Please contact Executive Directors--Elissa Rumer, Olivia Myrick, or Ben Boecker--at pauperinfo@gmail.com for further comments or questions; or please feel free to peruse the Pauper Players' website for additional details (www.unc.edu/pauper).